Málstofa: Fatlaðar konur, ofbeldi og 112 vefgáttin

Alþjóðlegar rannsóknir sýna að fatlaðar konur eru mun líklegri en aðrar konur að vera beittar ofbeldi. Þrátt fyrir það, og þrátt fyrir að um sé að ræða alvarleg mannréttindabrot, er ofbeldi gegn fötluðum konum enn falið og ósýnilegt og sjaldan brugðist við því af hálfu yfirvalda. Rannsóknir sýna að ofbeldi gegn konum og börnum hefur aukist í COVID-19 faraldrinum, einnig á Íslandi. Hér á landi hafa stjórnvöld brugðist við þessu með því að nýta nýja tækni við að þróa 112 vefgátt til vitundarvakningar og sem tæki til að takast á við og hindra ofbeldið. 

Á Jafnréttisdögum 2021 (1. –5. febrúar) standa Rannsóknasetur í fötlunarfræðum, Kvennahreyfing Öryrkjabandalags Íslands og Landssamtökin Þroskahjálp fyrir málstofu um þetta mikilvæga málefni og kalla saman fræðafólk, fulltrúa samtaka fatlaðs fólks og fulltrúa stjórnvalda til samtals um þekkingu og reynslu til að þróa leiðir til að hindra ofbeldi gegn fötluðum konum.

Slóð á þátttöku: https://eu01web.zoom.us/j/62522450345



Disabled Women, Violence and the 112-Web Portal

Wed. 3 February, 14.00-16.00

 The seminar will be in English/ Icelandic description below.  Sign language interpretation and Icelandic captioning will be provided.



  • Centre for Disability Studies at University of Iceland (UoI)
  • Women‘s Group of the Icelandic Disability Alliance (IDA)
  • National Association of Intellectual Disability (NAID)


  • Welcome: Rannveig Traustadóttir, Director, Centre for Disability Studies (5 min).
  • Þorbera Fjölnisdóttir, Member of the IDA‘s women‘s group‘s steering group. Provides an overview of research findings on violence against disabled women and access to support services (10 min).
  • Eliona Gjecaj, PhD student in Disability Studies. Introduces her on-going study on violence against disabled women and access to justice(10 min).
  • Sigríður Björk Guðjónsdóttir, National Police Commissioner. Introduces the Task Force on Awareness Raising and Action plan to Prevent Violence (10 min).
  • Magga Dóra Ragnarsdóttir, Project Manager at 112. Explains the 112-web portal (10 min).
  • Inga Björk Margrétar Bjarnadóttir, Project Manager at NAID. Discusses the role of NAID in creating the 112-web portal and its accessibility for women with intellectual and developmental disabilities (10 min).
  • Questions and discussions

This event is free and open to all. Link to join:  https://eu01web.zoom.us/j/62522450345

Concept note

International research shows that disabled women are at a higher risk than other women to experience violence. Yet, and even though it is framed as a human rights concern, violence against disabled women remains largely hidden, undetected and rarely acted upon by authorities. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, violence against women and children has intensified, including in Iceland. One of the evolving responses, particularly with technological developments, is the 112-web portal developed by the Icelandic Government.


During the Equality Days 2021(1-5 February), the Centre for Disability Studies, the Women’s Group of the Icelandic Disability Alliance, and the National Association for Intellectual Disability host an online event on these important issues bringing together researchers, members of disability organisations and government representatives, to discuss and exchange knowledge and experiences on ways to prevent violence against disabled women.